Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mondo Bizzarro Gallery

Today I found a goldmine, diamondmine actually. I am so excited, I really need to share this. You know I keep following Ray Caesar in the hope of him coming to a gallery near Holland any time soon. So I ran into this website of the Mondo Bizzarro Gallery in Rome Italy. Ray Caesar will exhibit his work there for a month. Me being curious about the gallery with their interesting slogan: 'In art only the bizarre is beautiful', looked at some other artist who have exhibited there. What I found was a goldmine. My wall of heroes has expanded radically after visisting. And this special gallery has become a must-see as well. But back to the artist. There are some really amazing surrealists out there(so this must be the place they have all been hiding :p). They all have their own styles and methods but they have a lot in common too. It is the dark touch and the feel that takes your breath away. I noticed that a lot of the artists are from Japan. I am going to research the artists so I can post some articles about them, and help everyone know they excist. And I am absolutely going to plan a trip to Rome soon. I just have to see this beautifull gallery...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ray Caesar, the master of digital art

I want to start of my blog with my biggest hero Ray Caesar. I ran into his work many years ago in a magazine my grandmother showed me. I loved his dark touch immediately. But I lost his name and the magazine, it was a tragedy because the image was still in my head but I couldn't find the matching artist. Then, two years ago, my boyfriend and I were buying shoes in a skaterstore. There were some books lying around about art and stuff (more as part of the shops decor than for reading). Being curious me, I browsed trought one of the books on the pile hoping to find some nice artwork. And there he was again. Ray Ceasar. I was gobsmacked and extremely excited about my find. I kept repeating his name in my head all the way home. I googled his name, found his website and fell in love all over again. This guy is a genius! Some say he's grazy, but a good artist must be a little crazy I think. His work is really unconventional but it inspires me so much. He has the guts to do stuff that is not necessarily liked by everyone. It is a matter of taste. I love the darkness and how it gives you this weird feeling when looking at it. I'm following his website ever since, hoping he will return to Holland for an exposition. This is his website by the way: You can read all about him and browse through his artwork. I wonder how it does it and I'm hoping to meet him one day. I have so many questions for him. Fingers crossed I get his book for christmas!

Here's a selection of Ray's work: